Buzzards 4 Hire

If your protagonist is an FBI profiler, Navy seal, local sheriff's deputy, or a game warden, she needs to know what she's doing.  You wouldn't want her wielding a 9 .mm and not knowing there was a hot round in the chamber, after she emptied her clip--would you? 

You can be sure she doesn't commit such gaffs by requesting a Buzzard 4 Hire edit of your draft manuscript.  Buzzards 4 Hire have years of law enforcement experience they can apply to editing your manuscript for technical accuracy.  

Seeking Buzzards 4 Hire
Our Buzzards 4 Hire truly enrich the writing world with their special expertise and knowledge. If you have a background in law enforcement and would like to become a Buzzard 4 Hire, leave a comment with your request.   

We keep our  Buzzards' backgrounds top secret, unless you choose to make yourself known, in which case we'll feature you in a buteo interview. 

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